Breathwork, Babes & Burgers

Oh hey there girlfriend!
Happy Wednesday you beautiful humans! So I did something crazy this week and had my first ever breath work session. For those of you who have never experienced or heard of breath work check out this podcast I created with Jenelle. This was something I had seen recent yogis gravitating towards over the past year and so badly wanted to dive in but due to health reasons I was encouraged to wait post pregnancy.
So last night I laid my body down on my bed and allowed myself to fully sink into this practise...and wow. I am blown away. As she coached me through different breathing techniques I could feel my body grounding and my senses began to take over. I could feel my third chakra pressing down on me, my fingers went numb, I got dizzy, I had tears rolling down my face and during this time every emotion pulsed through my body. I was taken through memories, areas I know I need to work on, and I felt this massive release that was my body was craving. It's so hard to share in a nutshell what breath work is but it is a tool used to reduce anxiety, silence and overactive mind, and facilitate a deeper connection with your body.
Want to try it?
Jennelle will be personally walking the Progress Project clients through a week breath work series in July as part of this new wicked challenge I am in the works of creating. So stay tuned! Plus, as a hint we have quite a few other badass coaches coming on board for this new challenge. If you don't want to wait check her out here.
Now to celebrate my babes...
Sunday marked the last day of May and holy heck what a freaking month it was for my bon babes! I had 10 babes including myself promote to levels of management and I am over the moon excited and proud of them.
As you've seen me on the daily share about my love for all things Arbonne I've been helping a lot of women (over 50 now) grow their own Arbonne businesses and the coolest part is each one has such a unique story as to why they want to do it. If you've ever been wondering what it's all about let me know because I'm here for you to pick my brain and ask me all the things. For me, I was already an online entreprenuer with the luxury of raising Cruz at home alongside me. I started using the products and didn't have a plan to grow a secondary business but one day my upline, Carly, said to me, "...think about all the women you work with who would want this opportunity but no nothing about it". I was still a bit hesitant, but organically those exact women she was referring to started inquiring and desiring a different lifestyle, they were ready for more. I'm not helping those mamas, 9-5 time clock hustlers, the babes who need their own girl club, and the go getters how to launch their own business. And it's really freaking fun for me.
A few years ago I was hired as a sub contractor to coach health coaches how to grow their businesses online. I left that contract and wasn't able to work in the field for awhile due to a noncompete, and along the way I lost the desire to dive back into that realm. So this, this is me getting to coach business again and through a company I use everyday and am so passionate about. Email me if you are the slightest little bit interested ([email protected]).
Now for the burgers...
These babies are loaded with vegetables (which is perfect for the kiddos) and all the spice (maybe make half spicy for the adults). I made a massive batch of these and used them for meal prep lunches for the rest of the week. Minute rice and avocado are my staples for pairing these with for easy lunches in a hurry.
I hope you babes are having a fabulous humpday! Enjoy these burgers! And don't forget to hit up our LIVE ZOOM workout tomorrow in the Progress Project if you are in our group!
See ya then!
-Jess & Cruz...xo
To learn more about Arbonne and my business click here