What's in my hospital bag

Alright so right off the bat, let's just remember that each and every mama is going to want to pack different items for different reasons... and to each their own.
My hospital bag, "the weekender" is this buttery soft vegan leather bag from Fawn Designs that I'm pretty obsessed with was the perfect bag for completing this task. Dad also grabbed himself a bag, although he's yet to prepare his, he's pretty excited to pack "lots of snacks" so I didn't go to crazy with food in mine haha.
Last week I asked my audience over on my secondary Instagram page (@nakedselflove) for help into what to pack for the hospital and holy the results were so helpful! So thank you if you helped out with that!
Shall we get started? What's in my hospital bag:
Let's start with the babe, I first packed in my FORMULA, bottles and pacifer - pause for the gasps who are going to immediately input their opinions. Whether you are a mama who breastfed or not, that is YOUR choice and while I am going to TRY to breastfeed I am open to formula feeding as well. I worked in the hospitals and have so many friends who had meltdowns after feeling so incredibly PRESSURED to feed via breast, when in the end it didn't work for them and their babe. So here I am, packing my formula and bottles because like heck am I going to feel the same shame from others after just busting my ass to create this little human for almost a year.
Next up, we've got outfits... I tried to keep them somewhat of a surprise for when I reveal this little stud to you all but I do want to add in a few of more sleeping onesies for just in case. But we've got the essentials here. Also included in this picture are some handmade booties (thanks Paige), scratch mittens, toque, socks, and soon his new blanket that grandma is almost done knitting.
I'm also packing my own line of wash, lotion and diaper rash cream for him from Arbonne. So many little babes get rashes, especially when in the hospital for extended periods of time and this plant based product has saved my girlfriend's kiddos on numerous occasions and it was one of the first sets I bought for my babe.
To be honest as I was packing this there were definitely a few items that I realized i want to add to this bag, and still have room for, but they aren't essentials. (ps if you or your child has eczema the diaper rash cream works wonders! Don't believe me? Check out some of the before/after photos on the web).
When it came to learning about nursing bras I decided to sway towards those that shared with me to grab some cheapies online until I can properly get fitted post birth. So, I grabbed a tri-pack from Amazon and they showed up looking great for the price. I also picked up these eco friendly milk pads (which came in a bundle pack) from Amazon as well but only packed one set for the hospital. Also in this picture is nipple cream, I ended up going to Lanolin as it was highly recommended and easy to grab online with this order. Oh, and this pacifier which came with my newborn bottle set, and will also be there IN CASE I need it.
The next pile of goodies are my girly essentials from face wash, serums, creams, deodorant and more. I also packed a few make-up essentials if I end up choosing to use it (mascara, blush, tinted lip balm). I also packed a cute headband wrap because I live in these things and already know I'm not going to be that pretty after birth mama with her hair down haha. I've got curly crazy hair and once I get sweaty it's game-over and this hair is going up! I also jammed a comb with some mini shampoo, conditioner, and serum in there just in case. Also, thanks to all of you I packed a really thick hand moisturizer!
In this picture are some self-care basics, which I'd like to add to if I have time. I grabbed a magazine which I haven't had time to read yet because I don't love screen time, a cellphone charger, and this diary entry book (thanks Christina). I love the idea of this book, you write one line a day to your babe every day, so simple and so dang cute. And I''m sure I'll forget a ton of those little memories in the hospital that I'll want to be reminded of.
As for clothes for me, I was told to get a nursing nightgown- something I would never have thought of. I grabbed mine from Amazon as well. I also packed fuzzy slippers, a few pairs of socks, flip flops for the shower, and my going home outfit. This outfit consists of TYC effortless (stretchy and comfy) leggings, a long baggy t-shirt, and a zip up hoody. I also should mention that a lot of people advised to bring BLACK leggings because of leakage / spotting. (something else I should mention is that while I didn't pack them I already stocked up on disposable underwear for at home because apparently, pads just don't cut it.
And the snacks, well they are pretty obvious. But I did end up packing some digestion plus and fizz sticks as well because these help so much with my digestion and any time I have medications of any sort I end up with an unhappy gut for days. Plus, who doesn't want a little natural energy pick me up? ;) ... I didn't go crazy with the snacks because Dad wants to pack a whole bag of them LOL so this will do for a "just in case" moment.
Alright, so apart from my fuzzy robe that's currently being washed I think I got most of all the essentials ready to go! Hopefully this helps you all out in some way. As for me, I know it made me feel a lot more reassured that this is ready to go if my stud decides to arrive a little early.
I also created this little checklist for you that you can save as an image or use as a guideline when planning your trip to become a mama.
Now, onto planning the shower! Which I've also left to the last minute haha... stay tuned!
With love,
Jess and the mini hot tamale...xo
Thanks to Fawn Designs for generously donating this bag that has so many compartments inside and out - and is the PERFECT little getaway bag post delivery!