Coffee Protein Smoothie - Daily Staple
Oh hey!! It's me again...
Casual two hear hiatus from writing blogs as I work my way through navigating entrepreneurship, motherhood, a couple moves with renovations, a separation and a whole lotta growth.
I'm back, for now haha... and here to deliver you with a space for all my go-to recipes that I miss making content out of.
Let's kick it off with my fav daily staple "Coffee Smoothie" packed with protein, all the vitamins and macro & micronutrients...and it actually tastes better than it sounds.
For years I've been a protein smoothie making barista using different methods to craft the perfect flavor and consistency but last year Arbonne came out with their new "meal replacement" protein which is a diverse and full protein blend with quinoa, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds and all the good healthy fats along with pea protein. Not only does it have wicked protein sources but it also has awesome fat sources and the avocado oil in it makes it so creamy and devine!
How to Use it / Make:
1/3 cup protein powder (using the coffee meal replacement)
1 frozen banana
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1 tbsp hemp hearts
ice & water to consistency (about 1/5/2 cups water and a handful of ice)
Combine into blender and then pour on top of base (this step is optional), I like to make things fun and fancy so I pour about a cup into a litre mason jar with ice then top with smoothie. And if you are feeling like treatin' yourself add a dash of coconut whip to the top.
Click here for the protein powder I use - plus gain access to my monthly "healthy habits club" with workouts, nutrition, tapping, mindset & more with any $150 purchase!
See you soon with more recipes, updates and more....
- Jess xo